Odessa grains or globuli in Odessa.


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Гомеопатия и гомеопатическая аптека в Одессе Homeopathy and Homeopathic Pharmacy in Odessa
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For I dipt into the future
Far as human eye could see
Saw the vision of the League
And all the glory that would be!

Presidents of International Homeopathic Medical League
(Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, Founded 1925)

Dr. Roy Upham United States of America 1925-27
Dr. E. C. Tuinzing Holland 1927-30
Dr. Pierre Schmidt Switzerland 1930-33
Dr. Paul Le Tellier France 1933-35
Dr. E. Assmann Germany 1935-37
Dr. Gaetano Gagliardi Italy 1937-39
Dr. John Paterson United Kingdom 1939-
Dr. Leon Renard France 1949-52
Dr. Ch. Pahud 1952-53
Dr. Hans Rabe W. Germany 1953-55
* 1955-57
Dr. P. Kollitsch France 1957-60
Dr. Gaetano Gagliardi Italy 1960-62
Dr. Alva Benjamin United Kingdom 1962-65
Dr. Francois Lamasson France 1965-68
Dr. Karl Johann Sigismund von Petzinger W. Germany 1968-72
Dr. Tomas Pablo Paschero Argentina 1972-75
Dr. Cornelius Eenhoorn Holland 1975-79
Dr. Diwan Harish Chand India 1979-82
Dr. Kurt Herman Illing W. Germany 1982-85
Dr. Fernando Risquez Venezuela 1985-88
Dr. Charles Oliver Kennedy United Kingdom 1988-91
Dr. Henk P. J. A. Maas Holland 1991-95**
Dr. Sandra M. Chase United States of America 1995-98

Note by Compiler: Dr. Diwan Harish Chand:-
The list has been compiled from different Journals and Transactions of Congresses.
It is possible that the actual election may have been earlier than the years indicated against the names.

*It has not yet been possible to find the name of the president elected in 1955.
**The 49th Congress of LMHI to be held in October 1994 was postponed by unforeseen circumstance until March 1995.

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