Odessa grains or globuli in Odessa.


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Гомеопатия и гомеопатическая аптека в Одессе Homeopathy and Homeopathic Pharmacy in Odessa
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1. Provings.
2. Toxicology.
3. Pharmacology.
4. Case Histories.
5. Statistics.
6. Comparative Therapeutics.
7. Rare Cases and Remedies.
8. International Abstracts of Homeopathic Literature.
9. Laboratory Work.
10. Homeopathic Pharmaceutics.
11. Repertories.
12. Scientific Cooperation.
13. International Homeopathic Bulletin.
Dr. Gutman further informed that,

"We have already made a start through the generosity of the late Dr. Stearns of New York and I have been elected President of the International Foundation for Homeopathic Research. We have a capital of $15,000 and a valuable library. This is the beginning, this should be and will be transferred into the International Institute for Homeopathic Research as a nucleus and it can only expand through cooperation and work. We do not need money, but we need from every country a handful of workers in the field willing to adopt a common plan and attend meetings where we can pool our experience and work as one great team. In that way we shall achieve results and become worthy followers of the immortal Hahnemann."

Subsequently, this work was taken under the wings of the League that formed an International Homeopathic Research Council. This held its first session in 1961. Dr. Gutman remained its Chairman. Later, Dr. J. Boiron (France) was elected the Vice-Chairman of this Council and still later in 1975, when Dr. Gutman sent his resignation, Dr. Boiron was elected as Chairman.

He has initiated a move to create a liaison between those engaged in the field of research in different aspects of Homeopathy in different countries. AS a first step, he has collected names and addresses of doctors, biologists and chemists who are doing such research with the titles of their papers, published or to be published. All this information will be collected at an International Centre of Scientific Bibliography and published as an information and reference book.

There have been some other Committees that have been similarly added:

1. In 1969 there was elected a Secretary General for Propaganda.
2. A Secretary-General for Acta.
3. A Special Committee under Secretary Archives for Documentation and Bibliography.
An International Homeopathic Documentation Centre has been set up in France and is already working actively. It is a private organisation but the League is considering getting it under the L.M.H.I. roof.

The headquarters has requested the help of National Vice-Presidents in building up the archives by sending publications for copies of everything appearing in journals, magazines or books or else a summary or abstract with a reference of its origin. That is necessary for having a good bibliography of all recent Homeopathic literature. It has already been done for German language.

4. In 1976 was formed a Senior Advisory Committee to be able to avail the advice of some of the very senior members of the League.

5. An International Committee of Odonto-Stomatologists:

This was constituted because a large number of dentists were using Homeopathic medicines and were desirous of joining the League. They are accepted as an association and are represented by a Secretary in the Executive committee.

6. A Veterinary Committee for veterinarians using Homeopathic medicines.
7. A Committee of Homeopathic Medical Psychologists has been proposed in 1976.
8. It is now under consideration to form a new Committee for International School and Education to prepare the necessary basic concept of Homeopathic education and international equality of schools and diplomas.

It was decided in 1969 to set up an International School for Homeopathy to be located at Athens. In 1971, it was felt by some that as all teachers can't come to one place, branches of this school be organised in different countries and coordinated as to teaching and standards from the centre.

In 1976 this idea took some shape when a one week International Seminar on Homeopathy was organised at Athens, immediately following the Congress. It is proposed to continue this activity at the time of every international congress.

It is felt that the idea is not to give lectures to students but to have a forum for "teachers' thoughts on Homeopathy."

9. It has been proposed by one of the National Vice-Presidents that the League should now further its activities by forming regions branches, e.g. Atlantic Branch, European Branch and Australian Branch. This is to enable more active participation by many who cannot go long distance to participate in the League Congresses.

The Rock of Homeopathy: In 1974 Dr. J. H. Renner proposed a "Trust Fund for International World Homeopathy." His idea is that Homeopaths collect a token payment from all their patients and this way build up a sizeable fund to promote international homoepathy. There could also be gifts from relatives and friends who sympathise with Homeopathy and are desirous to promote it.

Dr. Pierre Schmidt was one of the first to send a contribution of 1000 Swiss Francs to this Fund. This plan initially called the International Renner Fund is now forming a programme to further Homeopathic development and is called the Rock of Homeopathy.

The Future: Alfred Mercier has said, "There was a wise man in the East whose constant prayer was that he might see today with the eyes of tomorrow." I am from the East but do not have that wisdom. So in this outline of the history of the League I am only seeing its yesterday with the eyes of today. The League appears to have had a checkered history. After a booming start there had been a period of lulled activity chiefly due to the political upheavals. It has picked up from that low ebb and made steady progress in the last quarter century or so. With faster means of travel that have 'reduced distances' and 'shrunk this planet,' and increasing awareness of the utility of this international organisation for global cooperation, more and more countries are coming into its fold and more and more Homeopaths are showing enthusiasm in its work. Therefore, I see for the League a bright future, and, if I may slightly change a stanza from Tennyson's Locksley Hall it could read:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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