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Ukraine in International medical homoeopathic League

Before disintegration of the USSR the Ukrainian doctors were represented in the League by a small number.

In the period of vice-presidency of D-r V. Glaz from the USSR 3 Donetsk doctors were the league members - N. Savon, L. Vasilyeva (the name of the third colleagues is unknown). V. Glaz formed the Soviet homoeopathic League, which included a number of specialists from Ukraine. A. Batsevich and M. Yasinovskaya (Odessa), I. Sergeeva and Z. Dergacheva (Donetsk).

After becoming sovereign and independent Ukraine the membership in League has been forgotten for 6 years

In 1996 in Italy professor N.E. Kostinskaya (Kiev), supported by Harris Coulter, handed in an application for the entry of Ukraine into International medical homoeopathic League.

In 1997 the application was considered by the Executive Committee of LMHI during the Congress in the USA (52th Congress of LMHI). Ukraine was unanimously accepted. N.E. Kostinskaya and G.B.Kostinskiy (Kiev) were the participants of the Congress.

Already in 1998, at the Congress in Amsterdam (53th Congress of LMHI), 24 representatives of Ukraine became its participants (Kiev - 9, Odessa - 4, Sumi - 3, Krivoy Rog - 2, Lutsk - 1, Kharkov - 2, Crimea - 3). For the first time the representatives of Ukraine took part in voting on the major issues of homoeopathy, concerning the change of President of the League. All participants were acquainted with new literature and software, proving protocols of many medications. Due to Kiev homoeopath, Oksana Vladimirovna Dmitrenko, an extensive excursion program was organized. In the last but one day of stay in Holland colleagues participated in the celebration of the Queen Birthday.

The 54th Congress of LMHI was held in Brazil, in the wonderful town San-Salvador (nicknamed «Black Rome», in Bahia province). Oleksandr Ivaniv (Odessa) was the only representative of Ukraine, presenting the report “Application of Precious Metal Preparations in Patients in the Period of Social and Economic Destabilization in the Post-Soviet Society”. A. Ivaniv was a co-chairman of the sectional meeting, as well as a participant of the Committees sessions on homoeopathic pharmacy and education. New literature, important documents, raw material for the Odessa homoeopathic pharmacy were brought to Ukraine..

The 55th Congress of LMHI was held in Budapest, and more than 20 representatives of Ukraine (Kiev - 8, Odessa - 7, Vinnitsa - 2, Kharkov - 2, the other regions - 3) participated in it. T.D. Popova (Kiev), O.P. Ivaniv (Odessa), L.P. Hutsol (Vinnitsa) made reports. Olexander Ivaniv presented the report “Homoeopathic treatment of spastic neurologic disorder: questions of physician’s tactics and choice of similar remedy” that evoked a great resonance. O.Yu. Sergeeva, S.V. Khimenko (both - Kharkov) and O.P. Ivaniv (Odessa) took part in the meeting of the Pharmacological committee of the League.

The 56th Congress of LMHI (2001) was held in Romanian in the town Sibiu (former Germanshtadt). Because of warning about the possible emission of chemical products, a small number of homoeopaths took part in it. Ukraine was represented by 4 colleagues from Kiev, Vinnitsa and Donetsk.

The 57th Congress of LMHI (On June, 4-8, 2002, Moscow, Russia) collected a large number of representatives of CIS, including 33 - from Ukraine (Odessa - 8, Kiev - 7, Vinnitsa - 3, Donetsk - 4, Crimea -3, Dnepropetrovk region - 4, Zakarpatje and Prikarpatje - 2, the other regions - 2). Because of poor organization of the forum and improper holding of the scientific programme, greater part of participants departed already in the first 2 days. A lot of foreign participants and guests of the Congress left Russia with extremely unpleasant memories. O.P. Ivaniv (Odessa) presented the report “Hallucinogens in homoeopathic practice and relation of homoeopaths to the hallucinations”.

The 58th Congress of LMHI (Grats, Austria, on April, 22-26, 2003) was visited only by three representatives of Ukraine: O.P. Ivaniv (Odessa), L.P. Hutsol and N.S. Gutsol (Vinnitsa). The Ukrainian colleagues took part in the seminars of Yan Sholten (Netherlands), D. Payrhuber (Austria), and work of a number of committees. L.P Hutsol delivered a report about the homoeopathic aid to children with pathology of the prenatal period. The Ukrainian colleagues brought home a lot of pleasant impressions, new books and preparations, raw material for the Odessa homoeopathic pharmacy. The contacts with many foreign colleagues, representatives of pharmaceutical firms and laboratories were established.

The 59th Congress of LMHI was held in the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires. Ukraine was represented by O. Ivaniv (Odessa) and N. Savon (Donetsk). O.P. Ivaniv presented the report “Duality of symptoms in homeopathy” and was a co-chairman of one of the sectional meetings. New acquaintances were made, and agreements were concluded about deliveries of raw material and dilutions from the Argentinian and Mexican pharmacies to Odessa homoeopathic pharmacy. The organizers of Congress tried not to disappoint participants in the city of tango, and arranged a wonderful cultural program.

The 60th Congress of LMHI, was held in Berlin, on May, 4-7. The Ukrainian participants were represented by 7 persons (Odessa - 2, Vinnitsa - 3, Lviv - 1, Donetsk - 1). A small number of participants is conditioned by costliness of organizational payment, residence and moving in Germany. O.P. Ivaniv presented a report about the situation with homoeopathy in Ukraine at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the League, on May, 2-3, before the beginning of the Congress. A new vice-president of the League from Ukraine was proposed to take part in the discussion of major issues of education and registration of medications. Larisa Hutsol, a chairman of Vinnitsa homoeopathic Society made a report “Homeopathy in cardiac arrhythmia” at the Congress.

However, participation of Ukraine in the League is not only participation in Congresses.

First of all, it is the prosecution of the important international and national programmes, and documents. N.E. Kostinskaya did a lot in her power in the Health Ministry of Ukraine and Pharmacological committee, however, power structures are reluctant to recognise homoeopathy in spite of its recognition in the whole world.

Professor N.E. Kostinskaya was conducting Hahnemann readings in Kiev annually from 1997 to 2003, where the issues of homoeopathy and documents of the League were also discussed.

In 1999 O.P. Ivaniv with the Ukrainian colleagues, at the request of the German doctors and manufacturers of medications sent the appeal to bundesminister of health protection of Germany, frau Fisher, about the necessity of permission to put into action the 6th edition of Organon, and production of high and LM-potencies in the motherland of the founder of homoeopathy. This document was accepted in Germany, and we received their gratitude.

In 1999, at the request of the General Secretary of the League, Frederic Delmur (Austria, Institute of homoeopathy by Ludvig Boltsman), estimated preparations and Nomenclature of Odessa homoeopathic pharmacy, whereupon the pharmacy got a certificate. The Boltsman institute directed a document on creation of national Nomenclature and Pharmacopoeia to Health Ministry of Ukraine but things are right where they started.

O.P. Ivaniv (Odessa) and O.Yu. Sergeeva (Kharkov) took part in the prosecution of international compendium of medications (since 2000).

Together with the President of the League (in the period 1998-2001), Jacques Imberehts (Belgium), who visited Ukraine in 2000, Odessa homoeopathic Society settled a number of problems of medicinal and legislative maintenance of its activity.

The Ukrainian specialists took part in a number of the seminars held with participation of the League, and the seminars of a number of foreign colleagues – members of the League.

Collaboration of Ukraine and LMHI will be continued.

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