Odessa grains or globuli in Odessa.


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    I have been in touch this past year with three groups.

    1. The Association of International League or Societies of Brussels. The contact is a very good one, so we must go on with being members of this Association.

    2. The European Association of Strasbourg. Keeping in touch with it is trifling. We are considered only a deliberative association.

    3. The World Health Organisation. Situated at Geneva. All attempts with it, made either by Dr. Pierre Schmidt, our President of Honour, by late President Dr. Paul Kollitsch, or by myself proved a failure.

    The first answered that we were but a small group, the other that the statutes were to be drawn up again and the third that too few countries were represented.

    Such reasons were but a pretext for delaying and possibly to dishearten us.

Some efforts in this direction are being made by Dr. C. O. Kennedy, Past President of the British Faculty of Homeopathy, with a possibility of some response.

Considering that this organisation is now looking favourably to exploring the utility of the indigenous systems of medicines, in India and some other countries, and has already given them recognition, I feel optimistic that with further efforts, Homeopathy may also be similarly recognised.

4. There is a proposal before the League to try and become a member of the European Specialists Union.

Over the years, the League has extended its activities in other directions connected with Homeopathy.

International Committee of Homeopathic Pharmacists (C.I.P.H.) The Homeopathic pharmacists from several countries, who were present at the International Homeopathic League Congress held in Stuttgart in 1955, on the suggestion of Dr. Henri Boiron, President of the syndicate of French Pharmacies and Homeopathic Laboratories decided to form an International Committee of Homeopathic Pharmacists (C.I.P.H.).

This was accomplished on the 9th September 1955, through the initiative of Dr. Henri Boiron, he being the first President.

The Charter of constitution of this Committee was signed by specialist pharmacists of the following countries:

Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland and Switzerland.
The Committee has met annually since 1955, usually at the time of the Congress of the L.H.I., and occasionally more often; since its formation the membership has increased, and by 1971 the following countries were represented in addition to the founder member countries.

Argentine, Greece, Brazil, Roumania and Chile.

The primary aim of the Committee, as defined at its inauguration, was to constitute an organisation for documentation and communication between member pharmacists of the various countries represented. A number of factors pointed to the importance of forming a Committee such as this.

  • The growing importance of Homeopathy internationally.

  • The improvement and expansion of international relations.

  • The continuing development of the pharmaceutical industry in general, and of chemotherapy in particular.

  • The study necessary in the light of the European and International pharmacopoeia.

  • The continual increase in the regulation relating to the manufacture and control of medicines.

This Committee has considered medicinal substances of vegetable origin, with details of the parts of the plants used for the preparation of tinctures, also, another list of medicines of animal origin and a third one of chemical substances.

These basic studies have opened the way for further work directed towards the production of an International Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia.

International Homeopathic Research Committee: At the meeting in 1947, Dr. William Gutman (U.S.A.) proposed the establishment of an International Institute for Homeopathic Research. The proposal was put as follows:

"The end of the war has made possible, and has encouraged resumption of old and establishment of new International activities in all fields . . . It appears as a further logical step of this development to create an institution which coordinates the scientific activities of Homeopathy within the field of medical science. There is no school of medicine which is more inherently international than Homeopathy. Since more than a century its practitioners all over the world have the same medical philosophy, use the same medicines, prescribe in identical cases the same remedies, which have all over the world the same name and are prepared everywhere in a identical manner.

"Homeopathy, as a basically international science, does not only invite international cooperation, but is in addition in greater need of it than other medical sciences. Its practitioners are a small majority and have a few medical institutions. Only by joining forces and by utilizing coordinately all existing Homeopathic facilities in the world can Homeopathy expand and progress.

"In order to achieve such cooperation, and in order to give Homeopathy a distinguished representation in the international field, equal to that of other sciences and of official medicine, it is proposed to establish an International Institute for Homeopathic Research." The functions of this institute may be enumerated, without elaboration, as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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