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The International Homeopathic League was founded in Rotterdam (Holland), on the 10th September, 1925 by:
1. Dr. Roy Upham, U.S.A., First President
2. Dr. George Burford, England, Vice President
3. Dr. H. Fergie Woods, England
4. Dr. C. Granville-Hey, England
5. Dr. Edwin A. Neatby, England
6. Dr. Victor Ellwood, England
7. Dr. M. F. Kranz-Busch, Germany
8. Dr. J. P. Tessier, France
9. Dr. E. C. Tuinzing, Holland
10. Dr. Augusto Vinyals, Spain
11. Dr. Juan Bertran, Spain
12. Dr. Petrie E. Grouleff, Denmark
13. Dr. A. Moeira Piedras, Brazil
14. Dr. Pierre Schmidt, Switzerland
The names of the Presidents and the Secretaries/Secretaries-General appear separately. It has not been possible to compile a list of the National Vice-Presidents through the entire period.

However, I might give here a list of those that set the ball rolling and helped in the initial establishment of the League in different parts of the world. Before 1927 this illustrious band was composed of the following:


Dr. Tessier
Germany Dr. Kranz-Busch
Holland Dr. Tuinzing
Italy Dr. Dandolo Mattoli
Mexico Dr. Raphael Romero
Spain Dr. Balari
Sweden Dr. Petrie Grouleff
Switzerland Dr. Pierre Schmidt

At the 1927 Congress, the following were elected as the Vice-Presidents of the League:


Dr. S. Van Den Berghe
Brazil Dr. Nelson de Vansoncellow Y Almeda
France Dr. C. Tellier
Germany Dr. Heinrich Meng
Great Britain Dr. C. E. Wheeler
Holland Dr. Voorhoeve
Italy Dr. D. Mattoli
India Dr. J. N. Majumdar
Russia Dr. Bertrand
Switzerland Dr. Pierre Schmidt
Sweden Dr. P. N. Grouleff
U.S.A. Dr. Roy Upham
Portugal Dr. Amoricin
Mexico Dr. Luna Castro
Hungary Dr. Schimert

The annual International Homeopathic Council meetings which were in fact sort of International Congresses had been restarted immediately after the First World War. The League had also been formed at one of these Council meetings. The IX Quinquennial International Homeopathic Congress, which was scheduled for 1916, but could not be held because of the First World War, was held at London in 1927.

At this Congress, it was proposed that, "In future international business would be entirely in the hands of the International Homeopathic League. In order to regularize that position, Congress must formally pass a resolution. Hitherto there has been no authority to the League from the Congress, because no Congress until now had had the power to say that it definitely approved of the activity. The League grew out of the Council, and the Council was responsible for the Congress. It was hoped that the Congress would express its strong approval of the League and its desire to hand over the business in future to the League."

Thereafter, the following resolution was proposed and unanimously passed: "The International Homeopathic Congress approves the constitution of the International League as formulated at the meeting of the League in 1925 and as discussed and modified yesterday afternoon, July 22, 1927."

The organization of the Quinquennial Congress, as hitherto existing, now ended.

The League was thus given the stamp of approval and recognised as a representative body to meet annually and "carry on," officially, during the interim between the assembling of Congresses and was formally handed over charge of all international activity and the Congresses.

The aims and objects of the League were summarised as:

"First of all, every Homeopathic physician should belong to the League affiliation of his own country. The aim of the League was to unify under one nominal head all the Homeopathic institutions of the world.

As to the method, it was considered advisable that there should be a League meeting every year for business purposes, and a Congress meeting every fifth year for scientific as well as business purposes . . . A League representative was needed in every country all over the world. In that way, the strong countries could help the weak; the weak could give one or two suggestions to the strong, and Homeopathy could be made a world institution."

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