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Украинский гомеопатический ежегодник: Исследование психизма препарата болиголова пятнистого (Conium maculatum).


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George Loukas, Helen Spiranti
Greece, Athens
International Medical Homeopathic Society “Hippokrat”

Исследование психизма препарата болиголова пятнистого. Г. Лукас, Е. Спиранти (Афины, Греция)
Авторами изучены особенности психологической симптоматики известного гомеопатического средства Кониум макулятум. Приведены характерные фантазии и ошибки, типичные для пациентов с конституциональными характеристиками, соответствующими болиголову. Наряду с присущим таким лицам повышенным сексуальным влечением, им также характерны жесткость, непреклонность (догматичность). Часто возникают признаки ипохондрии. Наряду с известными противоопухолевыми свойствами, препарат может быть рекомендован подросткам в пубертатном периоде и женщинам во время климактерия.

To understand the psychism of Conium, first we should try to understand the following symptoms:
1 Delusions, geese threw themselves into water, thinking themselves to be geese.
2 Delusions, he is a goose.
We have not dealt with a patient that has reported to us that he feels like a goose not have we heard anything similar form another doctor. But we can see what a goose could symbolise in order to understand the state of Conium.

In one of our folklore song there are the following lines:
“Take off the black clothes my widow wear red, my duck, my goose ...”
This song, as we will see later on, has been written about a Conium woman. In another Greek song there is the verse:
“In the morning at Glyfada,
darling riding in the car,
you swim like a duck, a goose
and at night at Athens ...”
From these above, it is easy to understand what the characteristic fantasies of Conium mean.

It is a person that is characterised by an increased sexual desire. For these people sex is something very important in their lives. They believe they are made to make love. This is obvious in their whole attitude, in the way they look at others, in the way they dress, in the way they walk, they walk in a strutted fashion like geese. This is what the above folklore song tells us. It mentions a beautiful woman that has lost her husband early. The rules of her village lay her to wear black clothes, in order to mourn her dead husband. She wears black, but she is very young. She very much lacks sexual satisfaction, that is very essential to her. Even though she wears black, subconsciously her attitude does not reveal sorrow but a hidden sexuality. That’s why the singer of the folklore song urges her to wear red, the colour that suits her psychism. It is very important to perceive this state. If the woman of the above song, does not find a sexual mate, it is very likely that she will develop womb cancer. A man runs the risk of prostate cancer.

At times sexual desire is intense and the person is forced to visit brothels. In worse cases the person may seek sexual perversions. Conium is one of the basic medicines for pederasty. Of course increased sexual desire doesn’t necessary imply that these people have good sexual performance. Very often these people are impotent.

The above are seen from the symptoms:
1 Amativeness.
2 Amativeness, want of a in men.
3 Haughty, likes to wear his best clothes.
4 Insanity, dresses in his best clothes.
5 Ailments from sexual excesses.
6 Amativeness.
7 Jealousy, with sexual excitement.
8 Lascivious.
9 Libertinism.
10 Satyriasis.
11 Thoughts, tormenting, sexual.

But what happens when the environment is strict and the above attitude cannot be expressed? A possibility is to find an outlet in masturbation. After masturbation he has remorse. Part of his outlet to guilt becomes religion or some other philosophy. Conium then becomes inflexible and dogmatic. It becomes a base for formalism and not the essence of religion. He is inflexible to the acceptance of new ideas. The person becomes introverted, doesn’t want to see people and may reach the point of being afraid of people. He may often not feel happy being in touch with members of the family or friends. He becomes irritable, fights about unimportant matters with people of his environment. He becomes boring because of his stubbornness and his indiscretion. Other times hypochondriac symptoms may appear.

The above are seen by the symptoms:
1 Ailments, from cares.
2 Ailments, from excitement emotional.
3 Ailments, from love disappointed.
4 Anger at trifles.
5 Anger, at voices of people.
6 Anxiety of conscience, as if guilty of a crime.
7 Anxiety from prolonged continence.
8 Anxiety, hypochondriac
9 Anxiety, about trifles.
10 Contradiction, is intolerable.
11 Delusions, someone was coming in at the door (at night).
12 Delusions, someone is entering (at night).
13 Delusions, house is full of people.
14 Fastidious.
15 Fear, of death.
16 Fear, approaching him of others.
17 Fear, of people.
18 Hypochondria.
19 Hypochondria, from sexual abstinence.
20 Narrow minded.
21 Religious affections, from remorse.
22 Stranger, presence of strangers, agg.
23 Superstitious.

Another situation in which it can appear is that of climaxis psychosis or mania. The patient may be depressing or even have hypochondriac symptoms. He believes he is unable or even has suicidal ideas. He may be uneasy, voluble with a splash attitude, dressed very well, adorned and strutted like a duck. Other times he may be have a paranoid attitude to others with violent reactions when angry. The above are seen by the symptoms:
1 Delusions, he is persecuted.
2 Delusions, he is pursued be enemies.
3 Dancing.
4 Destructiveness.
5 Foolish behaviour.
6 Insanity, dresses in his best clothes.
7 Insanity, makes useless purchases.
8 Loquacity.
9 Mania.
10 Prophesying.
11 Runs about.
12 Striking, his head against wall and things.
13 Suspicious.
14 Despair.
15 Mood alternating.
16 Religious melancholia.
17 Reproaches himself.
18 Sadness with suicidal disposition.
19 Suicidal disposition, by hypochondria.
20 Thinking of complaints, agg.
21 Weary of life.

Gradually, there may be a gradual decrease of mental functions. The patient forgets, has difficulty doing mental tasks, has decreased will power. He is bothered even by the slightest quantities of alcoholic drinks. When drinking wine or with some physical illness there may be a decrease of width and lucidity of consciousness that may end up in a simple case of mental confusion or even worse, a coma. The person is unable to understand what is happening around him and is activated with difficulty by external stimulus. The symptoms are:
1 Confusion of mind, during chill.
2 Confusions of mind, after sleeping.
3 Confusion of mind, after a siesta.
4 Confusion of mind, from spirituous liquors.
5 Confusion of mind, while walking.
6 Delirium, mania.
7 Delirium with running.
8 Delusion, laughing.
9 Dullness.
10 Drinking, mental symptoms after work, dread of mental
11 Indifference, apathy.
12 Indolence, aversion to work.
13 Slowness of old people.
14 Unconsciousness, during chill.
15 Unconsciousness, mental insensibility.
16 Unconsciousness, during vertigo.
17 Will, loss of.

Concluding, we would like to discuss about which ages and under what conditions Conium is advisable. Above we mentioned the psychic state of Conium and its relation to sexual functions. Conium is becoming a very effective medicine at a time that the cancer disease is so widespread. We have seen it been recommended to young women or men, when they develop this characteristic confliction of Conium. These people are mainly people who because of their philosophical beliefs try to stop their sexual activity. Since something like that is against human nature, the price is cancer. Strict social environments too, can help the development of Conium image.

But is Conium recommended to children? Of course. But in this case it is difficult to recognise the psychic symptoms. The finding of some kind of Conium image in the mother during her pregnancy will help us to think about it. It’s usefulness in illness of old aged people has been remarked by many writers and it is obvious. From what has been written Conium is also recommended during the climacteric period of women. The above are seen by the following:
• Anxiety, from prolonged continence.
• Ailments, from cares, worries.
• Ailments, from work mental.
• Confusion, of mind, in old age.
• Sadness, during climaxis.
• Sadness, from continence.


1. Hering C. Analylical repertory of the symptoms of the mind. – New Delhi: BJP, 1997.
2. Loukas G. Mind Materia Medica. – Athens, 2000. – V.1.
3. Mirilli J.A. Thematic Materia Medica of Homeopathic Mental Symptoms. - Rio de Janeiro, 1995.
4. Phatak S.R. Materia Medica of homeopathic medicines. - New Delhi: BJP, 1977.

Дослідження психізму препарату Conium maculatum. Г. Лукас, О. Спиранті (Афіни, Греція)
Авторами вивчені особливості психологічних ознакоскладів відомого гомеопатичного препарату Коніум макулятум. Наведені характерні фантазії та помилки, що притаманні хворим з конституційними властивостями, які відповідають патогенезу болиголова. Поряд із притаманним цим особам підвищеним лібідо, зазначені також жорстокість, незламність (догматичнисть). Часто виникають ознаки гіпохондрії. Разом з відомими протипухлинними властивостями, препарат може бути рекомендований підліткам у пубертатному періоді та жінкам під час клімактерію.


Украинский гомеопатический ежегодник: Исследование психизма препарата болиголова пятнистого (Conium maculatum).
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