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Dear subscribers to SPECTRUM OF HOMEOPATHY,
as you probably already know from the information in our last issue, Narayana-Verlag will cease production of our magazine at the end of this year and we, as editors-in-chief, want to publish the magazine under the slightly modified title HOMEOPATHIC SPECTRUM with the Dutch publisher Emryss-Verlag from 2025. We urgently need your support for this project. It can only be realised with a sufficient number of subscribers.
If you have benefited from the contributions of our authors in your daily practice over the last few years, we therefore ask you to continue to subscribe to SPECTRUM in its new format. We promise to continue to present the range of traditional and modern approaches in homeopathy and to work on a systematic, practice-orientated materia medica with our themed issues. In the first edition after the relaunch, for example, we want to present the nightshade plants in the light of the plant systems of Michal Yakir, Jan Scholten and Rajan Sankaran. Our eminent international authors will continue to write for you.
After initial problems with the ordering and payment system, you can now order your 2025 subscription from the new publisher via the website www.emryss.com/spectrum. It comprises two issues per year and costs 38.00 euros (+postage). Payment is made by credit card. If there are not enough subscriptions, you will receive a refund.
Please forward the link to the order page to your homeopathic friends and colleagues. We would like to thank you for your loyalty and would be delighted if, thanks to your support, we could continue to cover the development of modern homeopathy on a sustainable basis with the new specialist journal HOMEOPATHIC SPECTRUM.
Christa Gebhardt & Dr Jürgen Hansel
Please note: If clicking on the link does not work, please simply copy the link and enter it into your browser. Thank you!